Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Perspective drawing...

A very large portion of this past semester was dedicated to my Perspective drawing class. I already knew basic perspective pretty well, but I had never learned how to do it precisely. Here's a few of the hundred or so drawings/ideations that I did:

And everyone's favorite thing to draw: perspective gridsss. Though I actually do kind of enjoy them. It relaxes me to draw them, if I'm having a good drawing day

I hate that I'm making myself post these, but at least I learned to: 
1. Keep my hands cleaner 
2. Make high quality scans the first time
3. Keep my digital files organized*******!! (ugh)
4. To not rush myself on drawings
5. To force myself to start even if its something I REALLY don't feel like drawing- I'll enjoy it after awhile
6. Keep my ^#$@%#& drawings flat, not cram them into paper pads and drawers

Second project from my Digital Illustration class. We were given the challenge of making a vintage style ad for a modern project. I changed it up a little bit and went for a vintage style horror movie poster. Since it is a furby, and most of my memories of them are terrifying. I think it's semi successful- I need a ton more experience under my belt before I will like my digital work. I made this a few months ago, and can already see how much I've improved with my illustrations.
I did this a few months ago. This was my first digital illustration of this past semester. Room for lots of improvement!